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Other Art, Community & Healing Services


My passion for connecting to beauty and sparking a sense of aliveness expands beyond the paintings and photographs on this website... I believe that all humans are creative. And I love to be a catalyst for groups and individuals to reconnect to their sense of vitality and aliveness!


Community Art Facilitation


I love to host community art experiences, whether it's simply for fun or tied into community building, including:

  • Creating spaces at events for people to collaboratively create an art piece

  • Hosting group drawing and painting parties

  • Facilitating community development, visioning, and placemaking.



Creative Expression Workshops


Set to music yet conducted in silence, groups of 3-5 are given the freedom to explore their emotions through a progressive series that utilizes music, movement, stillness, and visual expression. Often times we become blocked when we focus too much on the final result, especially when we put pressure on ourselves to be 'perfect'. One of the aims of this workshop is to allow oneself to get lost in the moment, to experience what arises, to express it, and then to let it go. Contact me to find out about upcoming sessions or to arrange a workshop with a group of friends! 



Healing & Pregnancy Art


These are personalized paintings that are created with the intention of supporting a person's highest good. I create powerful images that act as a strong visual reminder that "Yes, healing is within reach". This is helpful to people who understand the power of their mind and appreciate the profound impact of inspirational images. Paintings can address anything from increasing a feeling of resolution around health issues, to supporting a woman to feel confident in delivering a healthy baby.


How did this begin?

One morning in 2008, I awoke with an image of my friend pregnant and had the strong feeling to paint what I saw. I knew that she had been trying to get pregnant for four years and had become disheartened that it would never happen. Perhaps worse was her fear that even if it did, she would not be able to carry the child to term. Then something strange happened... A few weeks after I gave her the painting, she called me to say that she was pregnant! Eight months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She said that the painting helped her to relax and to connect to the child as he was growing inside her.


After this experience, I became interested in the transformative power of art and took a doula course. Since then, I have created special healing and other intentional paintings for people around the world. 


Relaxation & Healing Sessions


Discover new levels of relaxation and vitality through an energetic healing session. This unique experience is great for those who already have a contemplative practice, or who want to deepen it further. In 2007, I learned Reiki while living in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Nepal. Because of this, the practice draws from a unique blend of Reiki, Medicine Buddha, and Vippassana. Contact me to see if this a good fit for what you're needing right now.

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